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就像2019-nCoV疫情一样可怕,昨天和今天很多人的Google账号/Gmail都被停用。登陆界面提示:“该帐号似乎与多个其他帐号相关联,或由某个程序创建,此类使用方式违反了Google 的政策”。

1. 少买那些存活时间不长的Google账号
2. 买了Google Voice号码后,一定要第一时间将Google Voice号码转移到你自己的Google账号上面去
3. 不要去侥幸拿随Google Voice号码一起的Google账号作小号用,因为那种渣渣账号连小号都做不了的

Account disabled
It looks like this account was associated with multiple other accounts, or created by a program, and used to violate Google’s policies.
If you think this was a mistake, try to restore your account by submitting a request for review.
We understand that what's in your account is important, so you can also download your data for some Google services.
