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is any browser can replace chrome ? chrome is a bad browser in privacy ? shit-我叫硬件不值钱

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is any browser canreplace chrome ? chrome isa bad browser inprivacy ? shit

help? isany browser have good experence toreplace chrome?

thank u

推荐楼 kehan 昨天22:26

bro,360 is the bset broswer for you ,you can downlaod from here

推荐楼 Tankie 昨天22:21

why there are so many question marks?

why are you so confused?

why? why? why?

2楼 个人支付宝接口 昨天22:17

If you feel that Chrome cannot ensure your privacy and security, you can consider developing your own browser using the open-source Chromium project.

3楼 全球话题 昨天22:18

i use edge,i think its good browser,but it also eat memory

4楼 sbrvnc 昨天22:20

U can use brave it's better

6楼 mjj小号 昨天22:22

kale zsbd

7楼 X￴ 昨天22:25

wo firefox he edge dou zai yong

9楼 hoshino 昨天22:30

kehan 发表于 2024-1-16 22:26
bro,360 is the bset broswer for you ,you can downlaod from here


10楼 火焰之歌 昨天22:33

bro,360 is the bset broswer for you ,you can downlaod from here


12楼 nttstar 昨天22:40

Everyone and their dog knows that the two best browsers are 360 Browser and QQ Browser...

