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At this time, service has been suspended/disconnected due to no response.
If we do not hear back from you soon, we will proceed with full-service termination.

If you wish to pay using this alternative payment method instead, please let us know so that we can refund your original payment, and issue a new invoice for you to re-pay.
As a note, if it is more convenient for you to bypass the verification process, we can allow you to bypass the verification process if you are able to pay using another payment method (Cryptocurrency, Zelle, or Alipay).

Thank You,

2楼 laowen 10小时前


3楼 谷歌浏览器 10小时前


4楼 996 10小时前


Thank you for your recent order with RackNerd. To authorize this payment and to verify your identity, please provide the following:

1.) A clear and colored photo of your **-issued photo ID. (e.g., Driver's license/ Passport/ Identity card).
Please ensure the photo is not blurry and all information is clearly visible enough to read.
2.) A clear photo of you or a "Selfie" while holding your ID beside you. Your face must not be blocked and should be clearly identifiable.
Ensure nothing is blocking your face or ID, and that all information is legible on the photo.
3.) A screenshot of your payment receipt. To get this, log in to your Online PayPal Account on your browser or mobile app. Go to the transaction page and screenshot the whole page showing the payment details for this order.
Ensure you take a screenshot - do not take a photo of your monitor or phone with a camera.

Ensure the total amount and card on the receipt match the transaction.

The following details should be shown on your Payment Receipt:
Transaction details - amount, transaction date, merchant name and status.
Click the "Details" link and it should display the complete payment information. If the details do not fit in a single screenshot, you may also send us multiple screenshots of the transaction details page.

Your reply should include the required images in JPEG format as attachments so that we can view them properly; we do not accept offsite links. Your response can be made by responding to this e-mail or via the secure client portal at https://my.racknerd.com/clientarea.php - from there, you can select this ticket and securely upload attachments via the ticketing system.

We understand receiving communication through our risk department can be alarming especially when establishing service with a provider, we do our best to work with you through this process and to make it as seamless as possible for you. If you have any questions or concerns during this process, please feel free to reach out.

Note: If you wish to bypass the verification process, we can allow you to bypass the verification process if you are able to pay using another payment method (Cryptocurrency, or Alipay). If you wish to pay using this alternative payment method instead, please let us know so that we can refund your original payment, and issue a new invoice for you to re-pay.

Thank You,

5楼 bugrun 10小时前

rn 曰你的意思

6楼 996 10小时前


7楼 zc035 10小时前

PAYPAL 风险吧~商家风险控制而已~~ 换个支付方式也可以解决问题

8楼 心上人 10小时前



热知识:姓名和地址别用 asdf、abcd、1234 之类的离谱写法,最起码填的像个正常人名和地名。

9楼 Yzindex 10小时前


10楼 996 10小时前


12楼 鸡场新人 1小时前


13楼 Cady 1小时前


14楼 kvmgo 1小时前


15楼 一米阳光 1小时前

注册信息 最起码要像真人名字真人地址,联系地址要和IP地址相近

16楼 我爱你中国 1小时前



