置顶通知:Always Free customers - We will be reclaiming idle Always Free compute resources. If you have Always Free compute instances that have been idle for the past 7 days, you will receive an email with additional details.
站内信通知:Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) has reclaimed idle Always Free compute resources from Always Free customers by stopping the compute instance(s).Reclaiming idle resources allows OCI to efficiently provide services to Always Free customers. Your account had one or more idle compute instances that have been stopped.You can restart your compute instance as long as the associated compute shape is available in your region. In the future, you can keep idle compute instances from being stopped by converting your account to Pay As You Go (PAYG).With PAYG, you will not be charged as long as your usage for all OCI resources remains within the Always Free limits.
To restart a compute instance:
1. Open the navigation menu and click Compute. Under Compute, click Instances.
2. Click the instance that you're interested in.
3. Click Start.
For more information on Always Free idle compute instances, see the OCI documentation at https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/FreeTier/freetier_topic-Always_Free_Resources.htm#compute__idleinstances.
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