Keep your number before it's removed
If you don't want to lose your number, do one of the following before the reclaim date:
- Make a call or answer a call with your Voice number
- Send a text message with your Voice number
- Listen to your voicemail
- Open the Voice app on your mobile device
If you don't want to lose your number, do one of the following before the reclaim date:
- Make a call or answer a call with your Voice number
- Send a text message with your Voice number
- Listen to your voicemail
- Open the Voice app on your mobile device
- 参考:https://support.google.com/voice/answer/159519?hl=en
- 记得之前第二条包含接受短信,但是现在没说接受短信能保号了。
- 第四条待测,毕竟之前的官方条款都能过期不更新!
所以稳妥点还是经常给频道内号码发个短信(打电话可能影响到别人,而且不知道打不通的情况算不算是上述第一条说的make a call)交流交流!