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vir日本 有最新情况了吗-leomm

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vir日本 有最新情况了吗

推荐楼 职业菜鸟 昨天13:46


2楼 听风的歌 昨天13:40

3楼 hcyme 昨天13:41


4楼 vavn 昨天13:42


6楼 jsyzdej 昨天13:46


7楼 DogeLee2 昨天13:46


8楼 louiejordan 昨天13:47


9楼 leomm 昨天13:48


10楼 b66667777 昨天13:48


12楼 sah 昨天13:52


13楼 SaberAlter 昨天13:55


14楼 NP_Prob 昨天13:58


Amsterdam and Japan Update

UPS wanted us to pay for the previous bill we've been attempting to pay, and our account manager is now adamant the reason we're unable to pay by card is that they don't usually take card payments for it, and do it as a sort of courtesy? Anyway, we had to pay them via check which just happened. FedEx has not contacted us since our request for a quote. DHL won't pick it up until next week if we go with them. UPS essentially won't do further pickups until we go through another round of phone calls involving a dozen people and I haven't had time for that due to RAID controller issue on LAKVM26, San Jose IPMI coordination, and a few other things I had to take care of...

I'm trying my best to get these out by tomorrow so we at least get it out this week. If UPS does not pick up by tomorrow, we'll just most likely have to use DHL for Amsterdam (or non-freight) and then for Japan consider sending out a few servers at a time via non-freight air shipping as I do not want to use DHL for that region.

I'll try to get a few servers ready to send without using freight, even if the freight pickup does occur, so we can definitely send off something by tomorrow. After all, we do not technically need ALL servers there at once to get most of these deployed.

15楼 sdcool 昨天14:53


16楼 云烟 昨天16:24


17楼 Qting 昨天16:36


18楼 vvx.cc 昨天17:31


19楼 huanx 昨天17:32

才几天阿 就开始催..

20楼 SaberAlter 昨天17:35


22楼 NP_Prob 23分钟前

来更新一下Amsterdam & Tokyo的最新消息:

Amsterdam has been scheduled with DHL for Tuesday. This is only a portion of the servers. The other portion will still be sent via UPS, or at least attempted. FedEx still hasn't got back.

Tokyo unfortunately was unable to go out today as well. I'm trying very hard to ensure we have something set in stone by the end of today, and I may split this up as well to ensure that at least some servers make it there, since we would then not have to rely on a single carrier.

Amsterdam and Tokyo may also receive one or two high priority packages each, with at least one server and one network switch. This should make up for some of the time lost with the initial delay as this would arrive in 1-3 days instead of 1+ weeks as normally expected for air freight. I'll confirm if this is happening later in the day.

23楼 天空的圣域 12分钟前


